| 1. | Un security council resolutions on iraq 安理会有关伊拉克问题决议一览表 |
| 2. | He pushed hard , for example , for the un security council resolution on a new peacekeeping force for darfur 比如,他努力促使联合国安理会下决心向达尔富尔派驻新的维和部队。 |
| 3. | Foreign ministry spokesman liu jianchao s comment on the adoption of un security council resolution on the iranian nuclear issue 外交部发言人刘建超就安理会通过伊朗核问题决议答记者问 |
| 4. | Foreign ministry spokesperson jiang yu s comments on the adoption of the un security council resolution on lebanon - israel conflict 外交部发言人姜瑜就联合国安理会通过黎以冲突问题决议回答记者电话提问 |
| 5. | The united nations security council adopts un security council resolution 721 , leading the way to the establishment of peacekeeping operations in yugoslavia 1991年,联合国安全理事会(安理会)接受了联合国安理会第721号决议,在南斯拉夫领导和开展维持和平的军事行动。 |
| 6. | But china certainly wasn ' t going to support oil sanctions or harsh un security council resolutions - the resolutions were watered down , so china abstained and didn ' t veto 但中国肯定不打算支持石油禁运认可或联合国安理会的谴责决议?决议被弱化,于是中国投了弃权票而不是否决票。 |
| 7. | Lebanon has rejected a proposed un security council resolution that calls for " a cessation of hostilities " because the resolution allows israel to leave its forces in lebanon until international peacekeepers arrive 黎巴嫩拒绝了联合国安理会提出的“停止敌对”的决议,因为这项决议允许以色列驻扎军队直到国际维和部队到来。 |
| 8. | He also rejected the claim of fellow arab league members that sudan needed more time than the 30 days set out in a un security council resolution on july 30 to rein in the janjaweed militia in darfur or face unspecified sanctions 他也驳斥阿拉伯联盟成员所提出的,苏丹需要比联合国安理会所要求的卅天更多的时间来遏止阿拉伯民兵在达佛的势力。 |
| 9. | Lebanon has rejected a proposed un security council resolution that calls for " a cessation of hostilities " because the resolution allows israel to leave its forces in lebanon until international peacekeepers arrive 黎巴嫩拒绝了由联合国安理会提出的一个决议,被称之为“停止对抗” ,因为这个决议允许以色列要等到国际维和部队到达才从黎巴嫩撤军。 |